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the therapist & coach
Authenticity and transparency are the cornerstones of my practice, as they play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness of our work & the quality of outcomes. Therefore, I tailor my therapeutic approach to each individual, incorporating ongoing dialog & feedback about progress, treatment plans, & goals.
The philosophy
I believe you are a product of your life experiences & predispositions. You show up with the information you've collected & respond to the world in the best ways you know how. And, I believe you have the ability to change.
the values
• Empower people to discover their capabilities, strengths, & worth • Lead with compassion & empathy • Promote an atmosphere of equality • Challenge & encourage growth • Recognize & respect differences • Present useful feedback • Educate, motivate, & support • Present useful & transferable skills • Promote the benefits of mental health care• Create an effective working relationship, built on authenticity & transparency •
My passion for helping people is rooted in my personal journey as both an athlete & someone who has struggled with anxiety.
I've been involved in various sports throughout my entire life, & although I no longer compete, I will always identify as an athlete. When I was younger, I didn't understand that my struggles, personally & athletically, stemmed from anxiety or why. Living in Colorado, immersed in athletically driven communities, brought to the forefront the prevalence of the challenges I had experienced. As a master's student studying clinical mental health therapy, I realized that athletes should be recognized in the mental health field as a distinct group with their own unique challenges, worthy of specialization. It was this realization that compelled me to make it my life's mission to help individuals gain a better understanding of their anxiety & learn how to do more than just cope, raise awareness about mental health issues in the athlete community, & guide people in uncovering their "why."
Check out the features below to learn more about my journey & my why.
LPCC | Licensed Professional
Counselor Candidate
CO Department of Regulatory Agencies
NLC.0110265 | 2019
MA | Master's Degree
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Adams State University | 2020
BS | Bachelor's Degree of Science
Communications & Cultural Studies
The University of Massachusettes at Amherst | 2012
CMPCC | Certified Mental Performance Coach Candidate
Association for Applied
Sport Psychology
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